Philosophy Unhealthy Consumption Mass media is dying. The quality of it's stories has been slipping. By doing nothing, you can help.
Narrative "Knowing just what to say." Constructing naturally sounding dialogue, that oozes personality and characterisation with every line.
Philosophy Overcoming Hubris a.k.a. The Importance of Introspection. If we honestly assess our capabilities, we should never fall to excessive pride & overconfidence in one’s abilities.
Theatrical Une grande mise en Scène What's in a play? Let's take a brief look at the scene behind the scenes.
Narrative My position on Exposition Less is more and showing something is more engaging than talking about it.
Philosophy Carefully manipulating the Audience Controlling the viewer's perception wisely is an art onto itself.
Narrative Characters don't need arcs An astonishing tale is far more important than a changing personality.
Self To explain the cause Explaining the purpose behind my analysis of well constructed stories, and promotion of developed philosophical thought.