To explain the cause
Explaining the purpose behind my analysis of well constructed stories, and promotion of developed philosophical thought.

Storytelling is the most important component of anthropology. It has the power to encapsulate the entirety of human civilization, culture and progress, by weaving it into a collective series of events.
Stories tell us about experience. The human experience. This makes storytelling an essential skill. An art, if you will.
To understand storytelling, we must understand the structure of storytelling. Therefore, it is necessary to deconstruct the structure of a narrative to understand how we can better build our own; even more so for masterfully told tales. To take an in depth look at classical thought & contemporary think pieces, just to pick them apart piece by piece and translate that into the prose of potential.
I personally aspire to master the art and craft of storytelling. To develop into a wordsmith; forging fantastical feats of fanciful fiction and immutably expressive emotion, that captures the imaginative devotion of readers across the ages. To take on the seemingly impossible endeavour that has claimed the livelihood of the most ambitious of men: perfection.
So think of this that you see before you as the continual struggle to master a craft; a long, continuous persistence in where the goal is to endeavour endlessly, until the demise. When I finally look back at it all, I desire to see a legacy that speaks to the spirit and mind of man. To inform of potential, and to put all that I am, forward to those of the present and future.
I have to thank you for spending precious time observing my efforts, and I hope that you enjoy what you see here.